Thursday, April 29, 2010

13 days to surgery

any words of wisdom?


Lap Band Gal said...

Hello! You will do great. Have you figured out your protein powder options? I like unjury. Highly recommend you try a few different brands to see which taste you like, and don't forget the sugar free syrups (in the coffee aisle at the grocery store) to make them extra tasty.

Jenny said...

I used the atkins advantage protein drinks. They were ready made which made it easier for me. I enjoyed my heating pad after surgery, get all your meds ahead of time. Other than that, enjoy it!!

Jacquie said...

Hi Christine! Good luck to will be the best decision you've made! I am 5 weeks out from surgery and look forward to following you on your journey.


Weehee! Thanks, I think I will like this blog stuff. Not sure what I am doing but will learn more as I go.

Bonnie said...

Welcome, Christine. Lap Band Gal mentioned you needed some support. Unfortunately I haven't been banded yet, but have read a bunch of great blogs. A few tips I've read that I can pass on is 1) make sure you have your pain medication prescriptions filled ahead of time so you have them at home after surgery. 2)Make sure you have Gas-X or some other gas relief meds at home. 3) There is a possibility that you might gain some weight after surgery due to fluid retention - don't panic! You'll lose it as you recover. Looking forward to hearing more about your journey. I'm going through the insurance requirements right now and will be finished in June, hoping to be banded in July. My blog is if you feel like stopping by.

Amanda Kiska said...

You are a woman of few words. I love it! My advice to you is to BLOG. Follow lots of blogs and write a post for your blog as often as you can. We are a wonderful community of people with all sorts of experience, strengths and hopes. I have never encountered a band related issue that another blogger can't help me with. My blogs is:

PS Without question, my lap-band is the BEST thing I've ever done for myself!

Sandy said...

All the above have great advice. You'll do great and join us over 50's in the blogging world. Follow a bunch of blogs and leave comments so people know you are alive. My followers grew as I left comments on other blogs. I follow all sorts of people from those in their twenties to those my age. If you go back and read some of the pre-op and post-op posts it will help aleve any of your fears. All are amazing and informative. I never thought I would ever find such a caring world who all know what I am going through. I'm at

Girl Bandit said...

The pre-op diet is the only gets better from there. Surgery is just the begining....and you will rock the band. Follow the blogs...they are the best support ever. Good luck...

Lonicera said...

As another over 50 bandit I say hear hear to Sandy's comment - and the best advice you'll get is to follow the other blogs. At worst you'll know exactly what to expect, at best you'll meet a lovely bunch of supportive people.


Thanks everyone you have already helped. I love all the.... not sure what the word is but, "rock the band, bandit, band girl, too funny.

Debi said...

I too totally agree with Sandy Lee!! I am over 50 myself and live in Northern Cal, but not quite as Northern as you!!
