Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I have been hungry for weeks. had my 1st follow up on Monday and was told Yep that's how it will be until the fills start. What the crap, did I miss this part in all the appointments and reading I had before surgery? I really thought maybe the band had slipped or something else was wrong. I can eat way more than the egg size poach I was told i had. I was feeling really disappointed, angry*******************.BLAH, BLAH OK, better. 1st fill in 2 weeks, yippee. is this going to make much difference? of course I am eating regular(low fat) food with out any problem. will this change with the fill? I am totally confused and feeling really stupid. Going to a support meeting tonight, poor people.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I'am hungry

whats up with that? I am having a hard time not eating. I am hungry a lot! when is the earliest you can get a fill? And will that help? I was not expecting this! I am going to support group next week.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

magic cat purrs: I am Banded!!!

magic cat purrs: I am Banded!!!

I am Banded!!!

Wow! Its done. Back to work after 1 week, kind of sore. Had a bad experience at the hospital, glad to get out. only stayed over night but did not get released until after 3:00pm, BITCH for a nurse. Was in a lot of pain, waiting for pain meds. The good news is I am down 14 lbs. I am hungry and that is really hard because nothing has bothered me so far and no nausea.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

16 hours to go

Wow I cant believe it has gone by so fast, I am starving, cant wait to not be hungry. My hubby is going to stay in the Hosp. with me I am glad. the cats have to stay home and wait. I do not have Internet at home so I will post on Monday! Thanks for all your support.

Monday, May 10, 2010

2 days

Full liquid diet tomorrow. And surgery on Wed. I want this over and move on to a healthy me. I wish i could bring my cat with me to the hosp. you know Magic Kitty purrs. but they will be waiting for me to get home. Cleaning house this week end and found there stash, 1/2 a bird, a lizard and one dead mouse, good kitties.

Friday, May 7, 2010


I just want to say thanks to all of you for sharing. I have been looking at old blogs and getting a good idea of whats ahead of me from all you posts. I feel like i did before having a baby, I want to nest and get my house in order before surgery. Is too funny, the band is like having a new baby all kinds of thing to change and think about. Happy mothers day to all the mom's of kids and Bands!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

6 days to surgery

Ok, that was a big breath! Nothing to do But liquids until surgery. I think I will tan my bellie this week end, let it get some color before everyone is looking at it, yuk. OH and I lost my 1st 5 lbs.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

emotions are flying

Did the preop yesterday and back to Medford today to see surgeon and Kathleen. I was a little overwhelmed with info, I wish I would have had before a week before surgery. I was a little overcome with the $$$$ amount the hosp. wanted up front but I can handle it, may have to cancel Hawaii in June ( my sons wedding) some hard decisions to make. 1st day of liquids so far so good.

Monday, May 3, 2010

9 days

I have 9 days to surgery. Wondering if I should start liquids now or wait 2 more days? Mondays always seam like a good day to start things. What about sex after surgery? How long do you have to wait?