Friday, March 18, 2011

Did some one call my husband?

Had fill on March 9th after not losing for 3 mo.  It was great, I went for a check up 4 week later and lost 8 lbs of fat and gained 3 lbs of muscle, 5 lbs gone, not bad. My PA thought I mite be too tight but I said " I am fine"  wrong.  this week on Monday night I started slimming and could not stop. all night.  Went in to see the P.A. and had an unfill after she had to really talk to me for me to let go.  What I learned was to trust her and myself.  That means when I am too tight to go in and fix it not wait, because the wt lose was great (5 lbs in a week) I do not have to live in discomfort to lose, right?  Well she reminded me the band can only so 1/3 of the work and it is up to me.  Well I guess I have to step up the exercise.  Well the husband thing is, I got home and told him I had an unfill and he too reminded me, before I told him the about the  talk with my PA, that the band is only part and I need to do my part WTF. he got out my bike and fixed the tires so I could ride, got to love him. I think he listen to all the preop stuff.
I know that if I need a fill I can get one any time, that's the trust I have gained from my PA, Love you Reager.
It is my 5th wedding aniverser today.  and I am 57 lbs less then when I go married, and it fells great.


Lap Band Gal said...

He sounds like a good hubby :) Reeger is awesome!

Beth Ann said...

Aww..what nice husband!

Kathy said...

Happy Anniversary......sounds like you have a keeper there.

Anonymous said...

Yay, happy anniversary, and congrats on your loss so far :-D
Hey, it's healthier for you to have the right amount of fill so you don't get a dilated esophagus etc etc... if you get an issue from having too much in the band you might have to have the whole lot removed for months while you recover (from what I've read, I have only been banded a week).
Sending you happy exercise vibes, maybe you could send me some back I soooo need motivation to get back to the gym :-P

Gen said...

Good to remember that 1/3 thing. You look great in the pic below!