Friday, February 4, 2011

I am doing the band dance. 50lbs gone!

It's been a long time coming but I am down 50 big ones this morning. I am back on track. I went to a support meeting last night and am always glad I did. It dose help keep me motivates. Got a good idea for eggs. One of the ladies at the meet said she uses large shredded wheat and dips them in egg and cooks them in a nonstick pan, flatting them as they cook and eats them like pancakes, I think I may try this.


Lap Band Gal said...

Congrats on the BIG 50!!! Keep going!

Amanda Kiska said...

Great job!

Ice Queen said...

Yessss!!! Congratulations on reaching a milestone!

Shredded wheat dipped in egg and fried, huh? Sounds crazy. Maybe just crazy enough to be crazy good. I might have to try that. :D

Bonnie said...

Awesome news!

~Sandi @ This one time at 'band' camp... said...

Just stopped by to say hello, sent over from Lap Band Gal!

Congrats on the 50!!!


Beth Ann said...

Hi! I'm a new follower. I LOVE my support group and try to never miss it. The shredded wheat thing is one of the most interesting things I've ever heard!