Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I love my band

All is well in Band camp. We are getting along realy well. I have figured out how to keep her happy and working for me. Although I have not lost any wt in 2 weeks I have not gained. I have an appointment next Monday for a fill, I think I am going to try a little teeny weeny one. Even with every thing going well with my band the rest of life is kind of sucking right now. My hubby is laid off of work and we have put our house for sale.So I have had some adult bevrages that have not helped with the wt loss. But I have been painting and cleaning to the house in good shape to sell. We went fishing with our garndson the other night and there was the most beautful sun set I have ever seen and I thank God for showing it to me and how lucky i am for my life and family. This too shall pass.


Bonnie said...

Sorry to hear about your husband's job loss and needing to put your house up for sale. It's a miracle you haven't gained. Sounds like you are keeping it all in perspective.

Lap Band Gal said...

Hang in there...glad your band is doing well :)

Gen said...

So sorry about the bad news. Good for you not stress eating! (Stress drinking is totally allowed, of course). Keep up the great attitude, you are doing great.